CBF Conversations

Podcast: CBF Conversations
Host: Andy Hale

American culture has been trending upward with a greater proclivity toward spirituality over the last decade, according to Pew Research study. The spirituality industry has never seen better days with more opportunities for personal development through classes, fitness groups, books, podcasts, smartphone and smartwatch apps, retreat centers and digital media.

Yet, we live in a paradox. We crave a deeper spirituality and we are the busiest creatures that have ever walked the earth. We seek a deeper mindfulness while speeding by it to get to the next thing on the schedule. Maybe Søren Kierkegaard labeled this correctly, “A paltry mediocrity.”

“Contemplative prayer practice effectively keeps us humble and honest. Humility and honesty are essential to building a just world,” said Phileena Heuertz. “The more of us who commit to such practice, the more peaceful our world will be.”

Phileena Heuertz spent the first portion of her journey serving alongside orphans, child soldiers, and those being trafficked in Africa with Word Made Flesh. In more recent years, Heuertz has been a part of the New Friar Movement and the Gravity Center.

We sat down with Phileena to discuss her new book, Mindful Silence: The Heart of Christian Contemplation.